Tuesday, May 22, 2001

3D Visualization of residential communities

The City of San Luis Obispo, CA wants to view their residential areas in 3D. How do you do that. Well I used high-resolution stereo photography to extract 3D models of each of the homes in the area. Then I included a lot of other GIS data layers. This is the result.

Here it is without the GIS layers and the fog!

Thursday, May 17, 2001

3D GIS by Frank Obusek

One of the first few collections of 3D visualizations during my time with ERDAS. This has it all!

Tuesday, May 15, 2001

3D Visualization from the Cockpit: Day/Night landing

After a meeting with some airline folks, I created this fly through to demonstrate how IMAGINE VirtualGIS can be used to familiarize pilots of runway approaches. I experimented and figured out a way to make the landing merge from a day time to a night time scenario.