Tuesday, April 10, 2001

2D and 3D Viewshed Analysis

Are you interested in determining who/what can see you and who/what you can see from your location? Huh? Try viewshed analysis, both 2D and 3D. In this project we wanted to use 2D viewsheds with 3D intervisibility domes (3D viewshed). This is a good application for telecom tower siting and military reconnaissance.

Depending on which side of the building you are on, you can determine what you can see and what can see you.

You can also determine a strategic approach for a target of interest. How do I get to this building without the building see me? You better have a good 3D GIS dataset of your surrounding buildings.

3D viewshed analysis allow you to set a range and field of view and multiple locations and any desired height.

Determine flight paths into hostile territories.

Roaming intervisibility domes anyone?

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